3 Key Considerations for First Time Home BuyersIf you’re dipping your toe into the home buyer market for the very first time, you might have a bit of apprehension to go along with your excitement. That, however, is perfectly natural. After all, buying a home is the oftentimes the largest purchase that most people ever make.

But just like any other “challenge”, going into the situation well-prepared – and with a good understanding of what you can expect – will typically put most of your worries to rest. At the top of the list of key considerations for first-time home buyers include:

  1. Knowing how much house you can afford. Starting your home search without knowing how much you can spend (i.e., borrow) can end up wasting a considerable amount of time if you begin looking at properties that are well above or below your price range. With that in mind, meeting with a lender to obtain pre-approval first can help to point you in the right direction. In addition, already being pre-approved for a mortgage may also put you ahead of other non-approved bidders if there is a bidding war for a home you want to purchase.
  2. How to choose the best home for your needs. There is a myriad of different home styles and configurations available in the market. So, how do you know which will be right for you? The first step here is to determine why you are moving. For example, is your growing family in need of more space? Or, are you instead seeking the maintenance-free lifestyle that a condo can provide? Knowing your ultimate “why” can help you to narrow down your ideal options.
  3. Where to go for questions and advice. Buying a home can come with a plethora of questions. So, where better to obtain advice than from an experienced real estate professional. In addition to showing you property, a real estate agent can also guide you through the negotiating process when making an offer, as well as set up inspections, and other key elements of the home purchasing process.

Are you looking for your first home? If so, we’re here to help. Contact Us and we’ll set up a time to discuss how to get the process in place for securing your ideal new residence.