Patrick McCarthy Real Estate Blog – Real Estate Category
Patrick McCarthy Real Estate Blog – Real Estate Category: Blog posts from the Patrick McCarthy Real Estate Blog that were categorized as Real Estate.
Patrick McCarthy Real Estate Blog – Real Estate Category: Blog posts from the Patrick McCarthy Real Estate Blog that were categorized as Real Estate.
Regardless of whether or not you're considering selling your home, it's likely that - at least every so often - you want to get an idea of how much it's worth. And, if you're like many people, the first place you may turn to is Zillow, the self-proclaimed "real estate and rental market place that [...]
As we move into the prime home buying and selling season, you may find that there is a lot of competition out there - especially for homes that are located in highly sought after areas. So, as a purchaser, how can you make an irresistible offer that a seller may not be able to refuse? [...]
Over the past decade or so, the entire U.S. has experienced significant movement in the real estate arena. For some, this has meant that the value of the home they purchased years ago has increased nicely, and for others it's meant owing more on their mortgage than the property is currently worth - in other [...]
With talk of another possible rise in interest rates in the air, should the Fed decide to move forward on this action, it can have a long-term effect on investors. It can also have an impact - in some cases, a significant one - on the amount that you'll ultimately pay for a new home. [...]
While the past year may have been somewhat tough on home buyers in terms of rising prices, 2016 deserves some accolades, too. That's because, according to a recent report from the National Association of Realtors, 2016 was also the best year in the past decade for sales of existing homes. Throughout the 12-month period between [...]
As the new Presidential administration starts to settle in, there are a multitude of questions on many Americans' minds - one being whether or not President Trump will have an effect on the value of your home. In a country where home ownership is oftentimes referred to as being the "American Dream," it is easy [...]
Over the past several months, many investors have been feeling much more confident in their investment portfolios - especially as the Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit the coveted 20,000 mark. But, while stocks and other equities may have some upward momentum of late, can this help or hinder you if you're hoping to buy [...]
While most every home seller would ideally like to secure a good solid purchase offer as quickly as possible, in some cases, this just simply doesn't occur - and, after about four weeks, a listing that is still sitting offer-less can be considered "stale." A property listing that sits for too long could be the [...]
Since the stock market crash and economic recession of 2008 are behind us now, the housing market has come back rather nicely - and in some areas of the country, the real estate market is becoming very fast paced, with homes being sold within just a matter of hours, instead of weeks or months. If [...]
Back in the 1990s, everything seemed to be big. Boy bands, hair, and houses. While big hair and boy bands seemed to fizzle out, though, the quest to have a bigger house still least until now. The year 2016 was the first year since the economic recession and crash of the housing market that [...]