Living in and around some of the first settled areas of our country can be exciting. There are so many reminders of where we first began, and so much to learn from our forefathers. The beauty of the architecture can also be amazing – especially if you have the opportunity to purchase a historic home.
But, while the woodwork and molding can be exceptionally breathtaking – so can your repair and utility bills if you don’t know what to watch out for prior to purchasing an older home. Here are some tips to follow if you plan to go this route in the near future:
Become Familiar with Historic Home Restrictions
If you plan to do any type of renovation to the home, you will need to get familiar with the historic home restrictions. Typically, the goal of most historic homes is to preserve the true nature and original construction of the home.
Therefore, you may be required to obtain a special permit prior to doing various jobs. In fact, owners of historic homes are rarely allowed to add more square footage, and must usually replace items like windows and shutters with “in kind” materials.
You should also familiarize yourself with the cost of any renovations that you plan to move ahead with. This is because the materials that are needed for older homes could be quite costly – especially if you’re trying to match what’s already there.
Review Past Utility Expenses
You may also want to get an idea of how much it will cost to heat and cool the home by reviewing past utility bills. This is because the energy costs in an older home may be quite a bit more than they are in a newer one.
Have a Formal Inspection Performed
It should go without saying that you should have the home inspected prior to making your purchase. But with an older home, you should really have this task performed by an inspector who specializes in historic properties.
In doing so, you need to ensure that the home meets all health and safety standards – including lead based paint and asbestos tests. And, if there are major structural issues, you may need to walk away from the deal altogether.
Finding the Perfect Match
While there may be a few obstacles, there are still a number of wonderful benefits to living in a historic home – starting with the pride that you feel. If we can help you to find that perfect match, give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help.