If your home is currently listed for sale – or if you are planning to move in the near future – there are some things to keep in mind as you move forward with your selling strategy. This is because even some of the slightest techniques can make a big difference in the time it takes to get your property sold, as well as in terms of the offer(s) that you receive.
For instance, while you may want to highlight as many good things about your home as possible, going overboard can actually backfire and turn off potential buyers. This is because exaggerations in the listing can build up buyers’ hopes, only to let them down when they tour your home. As an example, if your yard includes a small pond, the home shouldn’t be described as being a luxurious lake-front property.
Certainly, all potential purchasers will also want to know how much you are asking for your home. When determining your pricing strategy, there are some things to keep in mind, too. First, be sure that you know what other comparable properties have sold for over the past three to six months. This can provide you with a good figure to proceed with.
When setting your list price, you should also be aware of pricing bands. For example, if potential purchasers have a price range of $225,000 and $250,000 between which they can spend, then by pricing your home at $251,000 you will likely miss out on this entire group. Rather, pricing the home at $249,900 is likely to bring in more interested lookers.
For additional listing strategies that can help you to get your home in front of more possible buyers – as well as for a no obligation analysis of your home’s current value – Contact Us.